Tips for Traveling With Arthritis

The discomfort, stiffness, swelling, and range of motion issues associated with arthritis can make everyday tasks tricky.

Can’t Take NSAIDs? 2 Treatment Options for Arthritis

Over 50 million Americans suffer from pain and inflammation of arthritis. Many seek treatment options that do not include NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because of existing heart disease or high blood pressure.

Reduce the Risk of Falls and Fractured Bones for Seniors

If you have been living with arthritis or another condition related to your bones, you know that the risks associated with falls and fractures can be quite frightening.

Psoriatic and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Differences and Similarities

Arthritis can come in more than one form, but it can be difficult to determine which kind you have, especially if it is either rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis.

What to Expect Froma Typical Osteoporosis Diet

Osteoporosis is a painful condition that may trigger many complications and other health issues, such as collapsed vertebra, loss of height,and an increased risk of bone fractures.

Arthritis Impacting Your Driving Ability?

Those with arthritis know how heavily this disease affects multiple aspects of their lives.

How Exercise Helps Osteoporosis Patients | Sarasota Arthritis Center

Many risk factors for osteoporosis are out of your control, such as your sex, your age, and your genes. However, exercising wisely can still slow down osteoporosis or help you prevent its onset.

Causes and Treatments for Gout | Sarasota Arthritis Center

Gout is actually a type of arthritis, and it can affect many joints, causing mild to severe pain.

Vasculitis: The Dangers, Symptoms, and Treatments

Vasculitis is a serious inflammatory autoimmune condition that can severely impact your life and health if you have it.

A Look at the Risk Factors for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious and debilitating condition that causes joint inflammation and pain, fatigue, stiffness, and tenderness.